The logo for the monroe pike drug and alcohol commission


Since its inception, the Commission has been both an administrative body and direct service provider, hiring its own employees to maintain .functional. prevention, intervention, case management and outpatient treatment units. All other treatment services within the C-M-P treatment continuum of care are purchased through fee-for-service contracts with various residential hospital/non-hospital detoxification, rehabilitation, halfway house, medication assisted treatment and outpatient treatment providers.

The Commission, which maintains functional telephone referral, case management, prevention, outpatient (Carbon County only) and intervention units, is fully licensed by the Department of Drug and Alcohol Programs Division of Prgram Licensure. These units provide outpatient and intensive outpatient treatment services, case management services, referrals to inpatient residential facilities, employee assistance programs, student assistance programs (CMP), school and community education programs (CMP) and alcohol highway safety program for driving under the influence (DUI) offenders (C). Outpatient treatment services are also provided for Schuylkill County through our Lehighton office. The Commission receives funding from various sources, including the Department of Drug and Alcohol Programs, PA Department of Public Welfare, County funding, local grants, medical assistance, third party insurance, the SCA of Schuylkill county, consumer fees and donations. In addition to its functional outpatient unit in Carbon County, the Commission also contracts with providers for outpatient services in Monroe and Pike counties.

A diagram of the tobacco prevention program

Drug & Alcohol Screening:
The Commission.s Telephone Referral Center serves as the central point of contact for Carbon Residents wishing to access drug & alcohol services.  The Referral Center prompts Monroe and Pike county residents to contact providers in those counties for services. The SCA.s Case Management Unit conducts a telephone screening interview to rule in-or-out the need for emergent care, and refers the individual for a face-to-face level of care assessment within 24 hrs of their call, if deemed emergent, or within seven days if the call is deemed routine. 


Drug & Alcohol Level of Care Assessment
A comprehensive assessment is conducted during a face to face interview following which, the Pennsylvania Client Placement Criteria (PCPC) or the American Society of Addiction Medicine (ASAM) criteria are utilized to determine the appropriate level of care referral. This process is completed by our contracted providers in Monroe and Pike Counties, our Functional Unit in Carbon County. At the time of the assessment and then again every 90 days as part of the Case Consultation Process a client.s non treatment needs are also evaluated. 

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